Saturday, December 3, 2016

বাংলাদেশ গ্রীন পার্টির খসডা সংবিধান

Bangladesh Green Party

Mansur Ahmed
Chair person
Bangladesh green Party
Dhaka , Bangladesh

1.      The party Name  Bangladesh Green Party or Bangladesh Greens,


2. Environment friendly, corruption less, merit base Bangladesh is our main motto

3. The objectives of the Bangladesh Green Party shall be:

(I) Environment, Health, Safety /Ecological Wisdom

To ensure:
- The green environment for citizen of Bangladesh as well as world
- Public health, insurance, health card for citizen of Bangladesh, precaution from the reason of common disease
- Safe work environment in every sector in Bangladesh
- Segregate all the land separately for Cultivation, residence, industrialization, urban etc
- Purpose base area will form like industrial hub, sports city, education city business city
- Speed up the human life by safe travel, traffic free road, load shedding less power supply etc

(J) Zero Corruption policy

To ensure:
- To reduce the corruption in every sector
- Make freedom of entry corruption division so that they can take action against any power full personality of the state.
- Special wings of the govt. will collect data regarding each and every sector

(K) Merit Base Bangladesh

To ensure:
- All the meritorious people in Bangladesh dedicate their self and contribute for the development of Bangladesh.
- The NRB non residence Bangladeshi who play the vital role of develop country encourage to back in Bangladesh
- The talent people of Bangladesh working different world famous university are encourage to set their idea in Local university
- All the meritorious student are encourage to involve in Green politics

(L) Grassroots Democracy

To ensure:
- The participation people from Grassroots stage to the state
- Leader should be elected from the Grassroots not selected from top of party
- No committee will be run without any council
- Leader should elected from stage by stage
- By the vote of grass root member counselor are electrode in word, union, upozela, district, Division and national
- Participation of the people from every religion, caste, tribal, gender etc

Reduce the age of voters to 17 years so that the youth of the country may equally contribute to the national life.

(II) Social Justice and Equal Opportunity
To ensure:
- Fundamental rights of the people in which all citizen s regardless of caste, creed and religion, can live in peace, harmony and happiness.
- Protect the freedom of thought and expression.
- Independence of judiciary and to provide inexpensive and expeditious system of justice through a healthy, responsive, credible and effective court system.
- Protect the rights and interests of the minorities and to respect their aspirations.

(IV) Non-Violence and Peace
To ensure:
- Promote tolerance and to eliminate all kinds of prejudices throughout the country; whether provincial, ethnic, religious, sectarian, linguistic or tribal; and to inculcate a spirit of unity, mutual affection, brotherhood and prosperity for all.
- Members of Green Party shall uphold the constitution of Republic and shall not undermine the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan public order to public morality or indulge in corrupt practices or terrorism and shall not promote sectarian regional or provincial hatred or animosity

(V) Community-based Economics and Economic Justice with green economy
To ensure:
- Support international efforts for welfare and dignity of global community and to establish a just international economic order.
- Contain inflation and stabilize prices of the necessities of life.
- Promote and protect investments by overseas Bangladesh and other investors, cutting layers of regulations, securing investment environment, transparency and durability in economic policies.

(VI) Gender Equity
To ensure:
- Equality, unity, solidarity and brotherhood amongst the citizens and to strive for a Bangladeshi identity

(VII) Youth & Women Empowerment
To ensure:
- Participation in each and every sector where all most 50 % of people is women where the participation is very less in percentage due to get not enough support from the state
- Education, Job, Business, politics everywhere women should play the vital role by their quality, integrity and expertise

(VIII) Respect for Diversity
To ensure:
- Strive for the right of the citizens to have free access to public information Protect and promote the rich and diverse cultural heritage .
- Visual Management in every sector

- Digital management

Party flag:
4. The flag of Bangladesh Green Party shall be Green and red, with a Rising sun in the middle in which a flying pigeon as a symbol of peace, as specimen below,
5. 52 is the movement for mother tongue, 69 is Mass uprising, 71 is freedom fighting against Pakistan, 90 is movement for democracy, ’14 is organize the Bangladesh Green Party

1. The Bangladesh Green Party is a democratic organization.
2. The organization of the Bangladesh Green Party shall consist of :

Qualifications for membership

3. Membership of the Bangladesh Green Party shall be open to all adult citizens of Bangladesh who are not members of any other political organization declared as such by the National Committee of the Bangladesh Green Party and that he/she.
(i)                 signs a declaration that he/she is in agreement with the aims and objects of the Bangladesh Green Party and will abide by its rules and constitution and
(ii)                pays the prescribed membership fees in advance.

3.1. Only members of the Bangladesh Green Party will be eligible to become office bearers of different tiers of the Party.

3.2. membership of Bangladesh Green Party as determined periodically by the FC shall expire on the last day of December, every second year irrespective of the date of enrolment;

3.3. The membership fee of the party will be Tk.600/- per year and the party will issue membership card to each member of the party.

Official of BGP

9. There shall be the following office-bearers of the Bangladesh Green Party :

2.Co – Chairperson (each one from local Green Party)
3.Party Secretary
4.Additional Secretary
6.Information Secretary
7.International Secretary
8.Joint Secretaries (5) 
"The National Governing Body may ask one of the Vice Chairperson to act as Acting Chairperson." 
9.1. "No person will be appointed or serve as an office bearer of the party if he/she is not qualified to be or disqualified from being elected or chosen as member of
Election of Office-bearers
11. The party leader and other office bearer at National /Divisional  /local levels should be elected through secret ballot based on democratic and transparent system according to the procedure laid down by National  council 

Eligibility for Re-election
12. All office-bearers of the Bangladesh Green Party shall hold office till the next election and shall be eligible for re-election.


13. An office-bearer may resign from his office and such resignation may be addressed to the National  Governing body , Divisional  Chairperson , District Convener of the Bangladesh Green Party.

Powers of the Chairperson 
14. The Chairperson of the Bangladesh Green Party shall be the Head of the entire Green Parties , shall exercise all the powers inherent in his office and shall see that the office bearers and organizations work consonance with the Constitution of the Bangladesh Green Party and any bye-laws adopted under the Constitution.
14.1 Chairperson may nominate any member of party as office bearer(s) of the party as defined in article 9 till the election for the respective office(s) is held ,expect Vice chairperson 

Acting Chairperson 

15. During the temporary absence or illness of the Chairperson , the National  Governing Body may nominate one of the Vice Chairperson to perform his/her functions for that period,Provided that the powers of forming, expanding, reshuffling or reconstituting the National  Council of Bangladesh Green Party

Vacancy of the Office of Chairperson 

16. If the office of the Chairperson falls vacant due to death or resignation or any other reason before the expiry of the term of his office, it shall be duty of the Secretary to convene within seven days a meeting of the National  Governing body to elect an acting Chairperson and fix a date for the meeting of the National  Council within 45 days of the occurrence of the vacancy to elect the Chairperson

The Party Secretary 

17. The Party Secretary shall exercise all the powers delegated to him by the Chairperson or National  Governing Body , of the Bangladesh Green Party . 
17.1. The Secretary shall exercise all the powers and discharge all duties laid down and incidental to the enforcement of these rules and generally to his office.
17.2. The Secretary shall appoint and supervise the work of the staff of the Secretariat of the Bangladesh Green Party 
17.3. The Secretary shall have the authority to grant leave of absence with or without pay to staff and the authority to punish or suspend them but all cases of dismissal shall be reported to the National  Governing body .
17.4. The Secretary, in case of emergency and relating to the matters not affecting the fundamental principles of the Constitution of the Bangladesh Green party , may with the approval of the Chairperson , take such action on behalf of the National  Governing Body as he deems expedient; provided that any action so taken shall be reported to the National  Governing Body at the next meeting for confirmation.
17.5 Secretaries assigned different functions shall assist the Secretary and perform such duties under his guidance as may be entrusted to them.
17.6 Secretary with the approval of Chairperson shall issue agenda for the regular FGB meeting at least 10 days before the date of the meeting.
17.7 During his temporary absence or illness the Secretary General with the consent of the Chairperson may delegate his power(s) to the Additional Secretary .

National Council : 
Time and venue of Session
18. session of the Council of the Bangladesh Green Party may be held at such time and place as Bangladesh Green Party may determine.
19.1. Every member of the Council shall pay a fee determined by from time to time.

20. The quorum for a session of the council shall be one 51% of the total eligible members   
 Members of national council, Divisional delegates, office bearers of national / district 

21. The council shall periodically review the affairs of Bangladesh Green party and measures to strengthen the party. 
21.1. The National Governing body and Office bearer of the Bangladesh Green Party shall act as a Subject Committee to frame and adopt resolutions to be placed before the National council 
21.2. Approve Party consolidation and appoint interim body till process of election completed from bottom

The National council 
22. The Council of the Bangladesh Green Party shall consist of the following:
1.20 members elected by the Council of Local Green Party of Dhaka Green Party 
2.20 members elected by the Council of Local Green Party of ChittagongGreen Party .
3.20 members elected by the Council of Local Green Party of Rajshahi Green Party 
4.20 members elected by the Council of Local Green Party of Khulna Green Party 
5.20 members elected by the Council of Local Green Party BarishalAreas.
members elected by the Council of Local Green Party Shylet Areas
members elected by the Council of Local Green Party Mymenshing Areas..

Ex-officio Members

23.1. The President or Chairperson of associated Wing ( Youth , Woman , Labour) who belong to the Bangladesh Green Party shall be ex-officio members of the Bangladesh Green Party National  Council 

Term of Office

24. Duration of the membership of the Bangladesh Green Party National Council shall be 3 years, but members would continue to serve in the Council until new members are elected to replace them.

24.1. The Chairperson shall, six months before the expiry of the term of the National council notify the date by which the constituent bodies should elect their representatives to the national council of Bangladesh Green Party .

28.2. In case a Local Council of Green Party fails to elect their representatives as numbers describe in article 29 within the prescribed period nominated delegate can use vote of 20 till 20 members completed.
Attendance Fee

24.3. Every member of the Bangladesh Green party National Council shall pay, in advance, a fee of Tk.200 , before attending a session or any fee determined by FGB from time to time.

Meetings of the National Council 
25. The Bangladesh Green party National Council shall meet at the discretion of the Chairperson t, provided that he shall convene at least one meeting in every calendar year.
26.1 President Green Party shall convene special meeting of the Bangladesh Green Party National Council at any time to discuss party organizational as well as other matters.

Requisition for Meeting
27. A special meeting of the Bangladesh Green Party National Council shall be convened if the Secretary receives a written requisition signed by one third of the total membership, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required to be convened. The requisitioned meeting shall be convened within 30 days of the receipt of such requisition, failing which the members requisitioning the meeting shall be entitled to convene the meeting themselves.

Prior Notice of the Meeting
28. The Secretary l shall, not less than 30 days prior to the ordinary meetings and 10 days prior to special meeting, issue to each member a notice stating the time and place of the meeting. A press announcement to that effect shall also be made by the Secretary .

Agenda of the meeting
29. The agenda of every ordinary meeting shall be issued at least 10 days before the meeting, provided that this period may be curtailed by the Chairperson in special circumstances.
32.1. The Members must notify the Secretary 7 days before the meeting, if they want to table a resolution giving the text of the same.


30. One third of total membership shall form the quorum of a meeting of the Bangladesh Green party.

Functions of Council 

31. The Bangladesh Green party divisional council shall perform the following functions:
.1 To elect the national office-bearers of the Bangladesh Green party as provided in Articles; 9;
.2. To amend the Constitution of the Bangladesh Green party with one third majority;
.3. To consider and pass resolutions with regard to all matters, arising from time to time, relating to the aims and objects of the Bangladesh green Party ; and 
.3. To affiliate, suspend, dissolve or disaffiliate a Local Green Party .
.4.To approve the annual budget and to authorize payments in accordance with it and to appoint auditors

Delegation of Powers
32. The council may delegate any one or more of its powers to the national governing body or , the President or any other office bearer of the Bangladesh Green Party with such limitations and conditions as it may deem fit to impose.

The National Governing Body 
33. The National Governing body of Bangladesh Green Party shall consist of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Sectary . ex-officeo members can be nominated by the chairperson from among the members of the Bangladesh Green Party or any technocrat for any special sessions
.1.. All office-bearers of the Bangladesh Green party along with the Chairperson and Secretaries of Local Green Party and specialized wings shall be ex-officio members of the National  Governing Body.
.2. The National Governing body shall meet at least once every six months and as often as the Chairperson t desires.
.3. One third members excluding the office-bearers shall form a quorum for a meeting of National Governing Body .
.4. All resolutions of National  Governing Body shall be placed before the Bangladesh Green party National  council for information.

Functions of the Governing body 
34. The Governing Body shall be the principal executive organ of the Bangladesh Green Party and shall perform the following functions:
.1. To consider and pass resolutions and to take necessary steps with regard to matters arising from time to time relating to objective of the Bangladesh green party and to ensure that these are not inconsistent or at variance with the creed or policy of the Bangladesh Green Party or any resolution passed by the National Council or the National  council Council of Bangladesh Green party ;
.2. To take all necessary steps for giving, effect to resolutions passed at a session of the National Council or a meeting of the National  council or of the Governing body ;
.3. To appoint from time to time and supervise the activities of sub-committees or subsidiary bodies for carrying out such duties and functions as may be entrusted to them, such as to deal with the affairs connected with the finances and organization of the Bangladesh Green party , its affiliated branches and its various wings, advancement of the party's aims and objectives and attend to the political challenges faced by Bangladesh Green party ;
.4. To sanction all payments not included in the Budget; 
5. To employ and dismiss staff and to determine their emoluments;
.6. To collect and consider all information necessary and useful with reference to the aims and objectives of the Bangladesh Green party ;

Powers of the Governing body 
35. The Governing body shall have the power:
.1. To control, direct and regulate all activities of the various Local green Parties and specialized wings in consonance with the aims, objects, rules and declared policy of the Bangladesh Green party ;
.2. To take disciplinary action against any member of the Bangladesh Green party who violates the decisions of the Bangladesh Green party or acts m contravention of its aims and objectives, and also to hear appeals against the decisions of any other subsidiary body;
.3. To suspend, dissolve or dis-affiliate any Local , District Green Party which fails in its duties or ignores the decisions or directions of the Governing body or the Bangladesh Green Party national  council or acts in contravention of such decisions or directions or hinders the progress of the Bangladesh Green party any manner whatsoever subject to a right of appeal to the national  council of green party ;
.4. To take disciplinary action against any office-bearer or wing or organization affiliated to or forming part of the Bangladesh Green party which falls in its duties, ignores the decisions or directions of the Governing body or the Bangladesh green party National  council or acts in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the Bangladesh green party , subject to a right of appeal to the Bangladesh Green Party national  council ; and
.5. To appoint a National  Election Committees to organize and conduct elections in accordance with the relevant provisions in Part-VI. The Committees shall consist of three members, two of whom shall be from a local Green Party area other than the one in which elections are being held. 
.6. Any amendment to the constitution of PGP shall be first passed by 2/3rd majority of present and voting members of governing body and shall be placed before Bangladesh Green party National  council in its special/annual meeting for final approval by 2/3rd majority of present voting members.

Delegation of Powers
36. The Governing body may delegate any of its powers to the Chairperson , vice chairperson or Secretary of the Bangladesh Green party with such limitations and restrictions, if any, as it may deem fit to impose.

The Central Parliamentary Board
37. There shall be a Central Parliamentary Board consisting of unto 20 members to be constituted by the governing body .
Note: If at any time the Parliamentary Board is not formed or fails to function, the governing body shall perform all the duties and functions till such time as the Parliamentary Board is duly formed.
.1 The Chairperson of Bangladesh Green party shall be ex-officio Chairperson of the Board, the leader of the Bangladesh Green party Parliamentary Party and local Green Party Chairperson shall be ex-officio members of the Board. A member of the Board shall be nominated to act as its Secretary.

Functions of the Board
38. The Parliamentary Board shall perform the following functions:
.1. To select in consultation with the respective Local Green Party Parliamentary Boards candidates for general election or a bye-election to the seats in the National Parliament;
.2. To ensure that Local Green Party Parliamentary Boards are properly constituted in every area ;
.3. To supervise and coordinating of the Local green Party Parliamentary Boards;
.4. To hear and decide finally all appeals against the decisions of the Local Green Party Parliamentary Boards;
.5. To approve rules and bye-laws framed by the Local Green Party Parliamentary Boards;
.6. To frame bye-laws for the national  Parliamentary Board; 
.7 The Parliamentary Board may delegate any of its powers to the Chairperson to be exercised 'in case of emergency and with such limitations as may be considered necessary;
.8 15 members shall form the quorum of a meeting of the Parliamentary Board. 

Specialized Wings
39. National  Governing Body of Bangladesh Green party shall nominate, from amongst the members of National  Council , one person as President of each specialized wing of the green party ,till specialize wing elected its elected president . 
.1. Presidents of all the specialized wings of a Local Green Party will be appointed by the President of the respective Green Party .

Local Green Party Organization

40.. For each local area  of Bangladesh there shall be a Green party to be known as Local green party and the area to be served by a Local Green Party shall be co-extensive with the area which it is constituted.

41. The organization of the Local green Party shall consist of :
.1. Local Council of Green Party . 
.2. Local green party governing Body 
.3. Divisional Green Party Parliamentary Board. 
.4. District Green Party . 
44.5. Union Council Green Party. 
.6 Any other Wing conducive to attain the objectives of BGP.

Local Green Party Council 
42. Each division The Council in each Division /Area shall consist of members as shown below:

43. The Members of the Local green Party Council shall be elected by the District council of Green party two members per District 

Functions of the Local green Party Council 

44.  The council of the Local green party shall perform the following functions:
45. To elect Local office-bearers and Vice – Chairperson of National green party of the from the division / Area concerned;
46 to consider and pass resolutions with regard to all matters arising from time to time to carry out the purposes and aims and objects of the Bangladesh Green party ;
47. to affiliate, suspend, dissolve or dis-affiliate any local organization specified 

Delegation of Power
48. The Council may delegate any one or more of its powers to the Divisional  Governing body , the Chairperson or any other office bearer of the Local Green Party with such limitations and conditions as it may deem fit to impose.

Term of Office
49. The term of the office of the members of the local council shall be three years but members will continue to serve until new members elected .

Meetings of the Council 
50. The council of Local green Party shall meet at the discretion of the Local Chairperson , provided that he shall convene at least one meeting in every calendar year.
50.1. The Secretary of the Local green Party shall, in consultation with the Chairperson , announce the date, time and place of the meeting of the Local council and shall issue an agenda at least 7 days before the date of the meeting.
50.2. One third of the total members of the local council may requisition the meeting for a special purpose. The General Secretary of the party shall convene the meeting within thirty days of the receipt of such notice or in case of the failure, the requisition may convene the meeting themselves.
50.3. A two-day notice before the date of the meeting of the council shall be required by a member of the council to move a resolution in the meeting of the council 

Membership Fee
51. Every member of the local council shall pay TK.600/- as annual subscription or as determined by the Local governing body , from time to time. A member who has not paid this subscription shall not be entitled to participate in the meeting of the council.

52. One-third of the total members of the council shall form the quorum. 

53.. The following shall be the office-bearers of the Local Green Party :
53.1. Chairperson 
53.2. Vice Chairperson Five 
53.3. Secretary one
53.4. Information Secretary one
53.5. Finance Secretary one 
53.6. Joint Secretaries ( up to five) 
53.7.The Chairperson may ask may also appoint a Chief Organizer to undertake organizational work of the Party, whenever necessary. In addition to the Information Secretary and Finance Secretary, the Divisional  Working Committee may appoint other secretaries for different functions and one Additional General Secretary, if necessary.

Term of Office
54. Every office-bearer shall hold office for a term of three year. He/She may resign from his office by a letter addressed to the Chairperson or the Secretary. The vacancy in the office bearers shall be filled by the local Council.

Powers of the local Green Party Chairperson 
55. The Chairperson of local Green Party shall be the Head of the Divisional  organization in the Division concerned and shall exercise all the powers inherent in his office and shall see that all the authorities in the Division of his, jurisdiction work in consonance with the Constitution of the Bangladesh Green party , rules and bye-laws.

Acting Chairperson 
56. During the absence or illness of the Divisional  Chairperson , the Local Governing body may nominate one of the Vice Chairperson to perform the functions of the Chairperson ; Provided that the powers of forming, expanding, reshuffling or reconstituting the Local Governing body of the Divisional  Green Party or of nominating members of the Divisional  council , shall not be exercisable by any of the Vice chairperson when acting as President.

Vacancy of the Office of Chairperson 
57. If the office of the Divisional  Chairperson falls vacant due to death or resignation before the expiry of the term of his /her office, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to convene the meeting of the council within seven days to elect the new chairperson within 45 days of such vacancy.

Duties of the Secretary
58. The Secretary shall exercise all the powers delegated to him by the Governing body or, as the case may be the council of the Divisional  Green Party . The Party Secretary shall exercise all powers and discharge all the duties laid down by and incidental to the enforcement of the Constitution and generally to his office. 
58.1. The Party Secretary shall supervise the work of the staff of the Divisional  Green Party Secretariat. 
58.2.. The Party Secretary shall have the authority to grant leave of absence with or without pay to the staff and the authority to punish or suspend them, but all cases of dismissal shall be reported to the governing body . 
58.3.. In case of emergency and in the matters not affecting the fundamental principles of the Constitution, the Party Secretary may, with the approval of the Chairperson , take such actions on behalf of the Divisional  Green party as he deems expedient. Provided that any action so taken shall be reported to the Divisional  council at its next meeting for confirmation.

Other Functionaries
58.4. All secretaries assigned different functions and the Joint Secretaries shall assist the Party Secretary and perform such functions under his guidance as may be entrusted to them. During the absence or illness of the Party Secretary, the Chairperson may nominate Additional Secretary to act as Party Secretary. 

Divisional  Governing body 
59. The Governing body of the Divisional  Green party shall consist of all Divisional  Green parties’ office holders and all district convene. The governing body shall meet as often as the chairperson of the Divisional  green Party desires and at least once in every three months. One third members shall form a quorum for a meeting of the governing body. All the resolutions of governing body shall be placed before the Divisional  Green party Council for information.

60. The Governing body shall be the principal executive of the Divisional  Green party and shall perform the following functions:
60.1. To consider and pass resolutions and to take necessary steps with regard to matters arising from time to time' relating to objectives of the Divisional  Green party and to ensure that these are not inconsistent or at variance with the creed or policy of the Bangladesh Green Party or any resolution passed by the council of Bangladesh Green Party ;
60.2. To take all necessary steps for giving effect to resolutions passed at a session of the council or the Governing body ;
60.3. To appoint from time to time and supervise the activities of sub-committees or subsidiary bodies for carrying out such duties and functions as may be entrusted to them, such as to deal with the affairs connected with the finances and organization of the Divisional  Green party , its affiliated branches and its various wings, advancement of the party's aims and objectives and attend to the political challenges;
60.4. To suspend, dissolve or disaffiliate any District Green Party or their subsidiary organizations or wings, which fall in their duties or violate the decisions or directions of Divisional  Green party or Bangladesh Green party , subject to a right of appeal to the Chairperson Bangladesh Green party ;
60.5. To take disciplinary action against any member of the Green party who violates its decision or acts in contravention of the aims and objects and to hear appeals against the decision of any other subsidiary body;
60.6. To approve the annual budget and to authorise payments in accordance with it and to appoint Auditors;
60.7. To sanction all payments not included in the budget;
60.8. To nominate members of the Divisional  Parliamentary Board and the Divisional  Election Authority;
60.9. To collect and consider all information necessary and useful with reference to the aims and objectives of the Divisional  Green party ;
60.10. To perform such other functions as may be entrusted by the council . 

Divisional  Parliamentary Boards
61.. There shall be a Divisional  Parliamentary Board consisting of upto 10 members to be nominated by the governing body of the Divisional  council on the recommendations of the Divisional  chairperson . The chairperson of the Divisional  Green party shall be an ex-officio Chairperson of the Parliamentary Board.. The Board shall elect its own Secretary.

62. The Parliamentary Board shall perform the following functions:
62.1. To select the candidates for the Divisional  Assemblies of the concerned Division in consultation with the respective district office bearers of the party.
62.2. To recommend names of the candidates for election to the Parliament in consultation with respective district office bearers of the party for the consideration of the national  Parliamentary Board.
62.3. To see that Green party Parliamentary Parties are established in the Divisional  Assemblies.
62.4. To frame rules and bye-laws for the Divisional  Parliamentary Board. The Divisional  Parliamentary Board may delegate any of its powers to the Chairperson to be exercised in the case of urgency, subject to such limitations as may be deemed necessary.
62.5. One third members of the Divisional  Parliamentary Board shall form the quorum of the meeting.
62.6. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Divisional  Parliamentary Board may prefer an appeal to the National  Parliamentary Board.


District Green Party 
Council of District Green party 
63. The council of the District Green party shall consist of the representatives of the all Union council . Every Union Council Green Party shall elect 5% of its members up to a maximum of 5, as members of District Green council 

Office Bearers
64.. The following shall be the office-bearers of a District 
64.1. Convener 
64.2. Deputy Convener (Five ) 
64.3. District Secretary one
64.4. Finance Secretary one
64.5. Information Secretary one
64.6. Joint Secretaries (Five) 
64.7. Office Secretary one

District Governing body 
65.. all union council secretaries also members of governing body . The office-bearers of the District shall be also members of the governing body. There shall be at least one meeting every three months.

66.. The District council shall meet as often as the District Convener desires, but shall meet at least three times in a. calendar year. The quorum of the meeting of the council shall be one fifth of its total membership.
66.1. One tenth of the total members of the council may requisition a meeting of the Council for a definite purpose which shall be stated in the Requisition Notice. The Secretary of the shall be bound to summon the meeting of the council within fifteen days of the receipt of the notice. If the Secretary fails to do so, the members requisitioning the council meeting shall have the right to summon the meeting.

Membership Fee
66.2. Every members of council shall pay Rs.20/- as annual subscription to the green party , failing which he shall not be allowed to attend the meeting of the council.

Union Council Green Party 
67. Union council green Party shall be consist following members 
67.1.Union council Secretary
67.2.Union council Deputy Secretary
67.3.if Union council large and have enough resources may elected their other office bearer as under :
67.3.1Office Secretary 
67.3.2.Finance Secretary 
67.3.3.Information Secretary 
67.3.4Prior to approval by District Convener 

City /town/ Village Coordinator 
68. There shall be a village green party in every:
68.1. Village where there are at least 200 inhabited. A village green party may initially be started with 5 members only. Union council Secretary may appoint village coordinator 
68.2. A city having at least 15000 inhabited. May District Convener appoint city coordinator?


Secret Ballot
69. The Bangladesh Green party shall hold party elections at all levels
in a free and fair manner and by secret ballot. As far as possible, efforts will be made to achieve the objective of election by consensus.
69.1. The party will hold election after expiry of 3 years term from the date of previous elections at national  /Divisional /District levels through secret ballot.
69.3. Eligibility: Any member of the Electoral College may contest election for the offices for which Electoral College is constituted. 

National  Election committee 
70.. Elections of Office-bearers of the Bangladesh Green party at the national level shall be organized and conducted by the National  Election committee .
70.1.. The National  Election committee shall consist of five members appointed by the governing body prior to each election. The existing office bearers of Bangladesh Green Party and the candidates for an election shall not be eligible to become members of the committee .

Divisional  Election Committees 
71. The Divisional  Election Committee nominated by the Divisional  Governing body shall organize and conduct election of office-bearers of the Divisional  green party . It shall consist of five members of which at least two shall be from outside the Division concerned. The existing office-bearers of Divisional  green party and the candidates for an election shall not be eligible to become members of the authority.

District Election committee

72. The District Election committee shall organize and conduct elections at the District and local level. Each such committee consisting of five members shall be appointed by the Governing body of the respective Divisional  Green party and at least two of its members shall be from out-side the District concerned. The existing office-bearers of Divisional  and National  and the candidates for any District and local organization of the party shall not eligible to become members of the committee

73. The Chairperson of Bangladesh Green Party shall be elected by the council of Bangladesh Green party and the Chairperson of a Divisional  Green party shall be elected by the council of Divisional  Green Party concerned.

74. All casual vacancies arising in the ranks of the office-bearers shall be filled by the concerned governing body subject to subsequent confirmation by the council l of respective Green Party

Settlement of Election Disputes
75. The Governing body concerned shall appoint an Election Tribunal for hearing of appeals and petitions against election to the respective organizations of Green party .
75.1. Each Election Tribunal shall consist of one Chairperson and two members.
75.2.. A Tribunal shall regulate its own procedure for hearing and disposal of appeals and petitions relating to election as expeditiously as possible.


Membership Fee
76. Every Divisional  Green party shall pay to the Bangladesh Green party ten percent of its income from the membership fees.
Accounts of Income
78. All fees received from members of the national council and -the national  council /Divisional  council as well as donations and contributions collected from time to time shall be accounted for properly as income of the Bangladesh Green party .

Deposit in Bank
79. The funds of the Bangladesh Green party shall be deposited in the name of Bangladesh Green Party with a bank approved by the Governing body .

Operation of Accounts
80. The Finance Secretary shall be authorized to operate the Bank account of Bangladesh Green Party jointly with any other office-bearer nominated by the Chairperson.

Distribution of Funds
81. Funds collected through the enrolment fee of the membership shall be distributed amongst the, Union Council , District and Divisional  Green party , in accordance with the instructions issued from time to time by the Divisional  green party 
81.1. No donation, contributions or funds (in any form) will be accepted from multi national or domestically incorporated public or private company, firm, trade or professional associations. Party will only accept donations from party workers and Bangladeshi citizens. 

Annual Statement of Finance and Accounts
82.. Proper account of income and expenditure shall be maintained by the respective Finance Secretaries for a fiscal year at the national  , Divisional  and Local level and the annual statement of finance and accounts shall be presented to the governing body within two months of the close of financial year (January to December ).

Audit of Accounts
83.. The Party Secretary shall arrange audit of the accounts periodically and the report of audit shall be presented to the Governing Body concerned along with the Annual Statement of Finance and Accounts.

Submission of Accounts to Election Commission
84. The Finance Secretary of the Bangladesh Green party shall submit the statement of Finance and Accounts to the Governing Body for approval before its submission to the Election Commission of Bangladesh as required by the Political Parties Rules, 2002


Amendment of Constitution

85. The Constitution of Bangladesh Green Party may be amended by the national council or national  council of Bangladesh Green Party by at least two-third majority of the members present and voting on the recommendation of Governing Body , which will approve the proposed recommendations by at least two third majority members and voting.

Decisions by Majority Vote
86. All matters shall be decided by majority of votes, provided that if division is demanded at a session, the voting shall be recorded in accordance with the number of members allocated to the divisions under the Constitution.

Powers to make rules
87. The Chairperson shall, with the approval of the National  Governing Body , make rules for carrying' out the purposes of the Constitution.

Removal of Difficulty
88. If any difficulty arises 'in giving effect to any of the provisions of the Constitutions, the Chairperson t of Bangladesh Green party may make such provisions for the removal of the difficulty as he may deem fit.

Office-bearers to hold Office till Election
89. If the term of an office-bearer, a member of a Committee or any other body of Bangladesh green Party expires, he/She shall continue to perform his duties as such till his successor in office is elected, or as the case may be, nominated by the competent authority.

Performance Reports.

90. All national  l office bearers and Divisional  Organizations shall forward performance report to the Party chairperson bi-annual for presentation to governing body through Party Secretary. Likewise, all district organizations and Divisional  office bearers shall present performance report to respective Divisional  Chairperson for presentation to Divisional  governing body through respective party Secretary. 
Ethic and Discipline Committee
91. Any member of the party shall have the right to get a copy of any document of the party after paying requisite fee as decided by party from time to time. 
92. No office bearer of the party will hold government and party offices at a time.

Chapter Nine : Amendments

Article 1 : Disputes resolution within party
1.1: suspension of party membership: party secretary ( at any level ) can suspend any member of party who’s act found in conflict with party rules and regulation as per party constitution with approval of party chairperson . 
(a)first showcase notices within 7 days of complain received or observed 
(b)second showcase notice with 15 days of expiry of first showcase notice ,if member fail to comply first showcase notice . 
(c)suspension can be implemented if not received any response of written showcase second showcase notice after 10 days .
(d)party membership can be reinstate if member submit valid evidence about not complying before .
(e)party senior members act as suspension reinstate committee notified by party chairperson 
(f)suspended member can appear personally before committee to submit his/her answer of complain against him
(g)committee will submit its recommendation within 3 days of appearing to party secretary ad chairperson for further actions .
(h)member can submit appeal to national  council if not agreed on decision within 10 days of committees decision , party membership will be suspended till national  council make decision on his or her appeal .
(i)cancellation of members can me order of committee found member seriously violate party rules or found guilty as per Islamic republic of Bangladesh’s law and constitutions .membership cancellation will be validated by national  council .

1.2 Conflict between party members or with party :
(a) if any party member or members have any deference with party decisions can submit there complain to local , Divisional  and national  level conflict resolution committees about their opinion in write format and committees will response to member or members within 15 days of receiving compliance and arrange personal hearing . committees must submit its recommendation to party authorities with 5 days of personal hearing. 
(b)Party leaders eligible to make decision on recommendation submitted by committees. 
(c)Member or members can submit their appeal against decision of party leader to national  council.

All amendment will implement with immediate effect .

Signed and authorized by
Mansur AHmed
Bangladesh Green Party 
Contact Details of Bangladesh Green Party
Type of Organization
 Political Party
Address :
H-7/1 wasa road, Kadamtola, Basabo .Bangladesh
Contact persons :

Mansur Ahmed

Official delegates

Mr. Shamim  

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