Sunday, October 25, 2015

Need the Green Politics in Bangladesh

Need the Green Politics in Bangladesh
Engr.Mansur Ahmed
Chair person Bangladesh Green Party –BGP

Once upon a time Bangladesh was very reach in wealth and natural beauty. World famous fashionable product was fund here. “Moslin” was one of them , you can pour a 10 yard Shari inside a finger ring. 250 years ago it was ruled by British, after many dedication this subcontinent is free from British and Pakistan is formed. Bangladesh were the East Pakistan.

The people of East Pakistan was deprived from their right more than British. After 11 month fight we got our freedom country name Bangladesh in 1971. 30 lacks of martyrs’ dedicate their live for the shake of country . This is only country in the world who dedicate their live for language also. Right now united nation accept this day as International mother language day 21th February. We feel honor for it.
After the liberty wear we had thousand of problem. Founder of the nation Bangobondhu Shekh mujibar rahman try to re build the country. But within short time he was killed by some wrong driven army officer. After that announcer of the freedom Ziaur rahman rule the country but at the time of devlpoing he was also killed by wrong driven army officer.  Then Sheikh Hasina and Khaledha Zia ruled the country one by one and they can not make happy the people. They can not able to develop the country with the compare of other developing country.  
The reason of not success due to miss use of democracy, corruption political violence, un expert and un professional people rule the politics.  Not care about the proper education, women empowerment, environmental health safety , ecological wisdom and many more

25 years back I see there was small forest all around the country  and special forest in hill tracts, sundhorbann our boy hood there was six season here. We enjoy every season. Now a days climate is change. This climate is change due to many reason.
# Less concentration about the climate change
# Less concentration with land management
# Not considering the environment while set up the industry
# Un educated people
# Social violence
# Build the river dam by neighbor country India
# Global climate change

Now a days in summer terrible heat is there, in winter terrible cold is there. Sudden flood, cyclone. No rain in due time. Less forest in forestry area. Where once we see tiger, dear , elephant in our forest now this animal is going t less day by day.  
No enough water in our river. As a result we can not cultivate land on time. Hamper on agriculture production. Not available natural fish in the river. Navigation system have to reduce day by day due to low draft.  
Unplanned industrialization reduce our land and pollute the river water as well as ground water also. By this type of pollution a child can not grow up properly rate than a good environmental area.
But who care ??????

Maximum politician of Bangladesh become reach by politics. When the electrode in parliament they start to earn money and earn huge amount of money by which they can run their salve long time as well as their party.   All decision base on political consideration only. They can not make united the country men for the shake of country. Build two part of people by two party only .

As a result we are going behind day by day. We can not grow up like Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore although we have more resource then those country . We have 160million people  where 30% are young. We have huge prospect . Our people doing well all around the world. Brand Bangladesh is going to lead the world. Our cricket , our culture win the world by our personal capacity. Our people wone the novel, win the Everest . From every corner of the world we raise our hand as a successful Bangladeshi. But there is less contribution of political part as well as government .

Because current political party not believe on true democracy, women empowerment, merit base politics , they are not ready to honor and guide the industrialization and the behind people, they not take care the people who work abroad and send dollar for country .

That’s day will not so far when all the people of Bangladesh come to know only Bangladesh green party has the virtue of developing the culture of politics.
We plan to start our campaign soon. Our main focus to the young people, student, Industrial employee, Oversees people.
We will work for
#True/Grass route  democracy
# women empowerment
# Proper evolution of industrial employee
#Proper evaluation of overseas employee
# proper evaluation of senior cityzem
# Better health better education
# Speedy & safe transport and communication
And finally Bangladesh Green party will politics of the common people



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. will you plz inform me, how many green political party in Bangladesh except your BGP or how many parties exercise green politics?

  3. Thanks for your interest about Bangladesh Green party. May I know about you?
    Yes we are practicing green politics in Bangladesh and more 2/3 party are try to organize with us as they are practicing now

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