Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Core beliefs of Bangladesh Green Party

1. Ecological sustainability

Good economic management means taking care of our earth — not treating our most precious resources like a giant business in liquidation: ‘everything must go!’. The levels of pollution in our atmosphere mean that business-as-usual will no longer work if we want to avoid dangerous climate change. The future for Australia can still be a prosperous one if we build our economy on green principles rather than short-term self-interest.

2. Grassroots participatory democracy

Real progress comes when enough people believe it is possible to make a difference and decide to do something about it. All Greens members and supporters are driven by the desire to work towards a better Australia. In contrast to the two major parties, which are run by executives in head office, the Greens involve members in key decisions and our campaigns are powered by thousands of ordinary people volunteering their time, skills and support.

3. Social justice

Many of the social problems we have today — crime, discrimination, disease, poverty — could be dramatically improved if we focus on eliminating extreme inequality in Australia and across the world. The Greens believe that it should be the priority of all governments to alleviate poverty and to extend opportunity to all members of society.

4. Peace and non-violence

Bangladesh foreign policy should be based on dialogue, diplomacy and cooperation, not aggression. Trying to prevent or counter violence with violence itself will not work. The Greens are committed to peaceful and non-violent solutions locally, nationally and internationally.

5. women empowerment

Keep concentration to empower the women and child based on their merit and other quality. To make Bangladesh safe for women and child as well as all the people

6. NRB rights

Provide the proper facilities and rights for non residence Bangladesh

7. worker rights and human rights

Always respect the ground worker of different industries like Garments, heavy industry restaurant and many more with their rights of salary, treatment accommodation etc

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